Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Hard Candy

I recieved this movie in the mail yesterday (via Blockbuster Online's free trial month offer). I was hoping that one of the more innocuous movies on my queue would have arrived - unfortunately, my mother saw it and immediately wanted to watch it with me.

Let me tell you a few little facts that I knew about this movie before I rented it:
- It's about pedophiles.
- It was one of the most controversial movies of 2005.
- It was not a movie I was planning on watching with my mother.

You can see why this might not be a movie to watch with your mother. But with the risk of being "secretive" ("What are you hiding from me?!") and after trying for at least 10 minutes to dissuade her, we began to watch the movie together.

Hard Candy takes a conventional movie theme and turns it on its head. Predator turned prey has long been a device of storytelling, albeit this movie seems to take it for a ride. Certainly not for the squeamish, it keeps you guessing - where is this movie taking me?

The fun in this movie is the suspense, the horror and the complete and utter feeling of "What the fuck?!" during the entire course of the movie. I have a feeling that many people will not "get it." From what I can gather from a single viewing, this movie isn't out to make a statement - it uses conventional suspense tactics except in an entirely new area - which in turn makes the viewer uncomfortable and shakes their sense of security.

The Bottom Line: Hard Candy isn't a movie you're likely to run out and buy the DVD for... that said:
- I certainly recommend watching it.
- Don't view this one with your mother, brother, sister or other familial figure. It would probably be awkward to watch with just about anyone. Leave this one for "private viewing" just to save yourself the embarrassment.
- This movie doesn't have any huge gory scenes, but still, you don't want to be munching on popcorn and candy during this one.

Until another movie drops into my mailbox - Sayonarra.

Monday, January 8, 2007

Keepin' It Real...JC style

First of all, I would like to thank my partner in crime for creating this blog and making me a contributor before I even knew about it. Allison, you are completely genius so I figured that I would make a nod to our bad-ASH viewing habits with my very first post. Anyone who ever ate lunch with us knew of our undying love for the Saturday New Classics on TNT and, of course, Mr. John Cusack. In true High Fidelity fashion, I will now list my all time, top-five John Cusack movies of all time.

5. Runaway Jury- street cars, sticking it to the man and John
4. Being John Malkovich- weird, sometimes uncomfortable but with John
3. Anastasia- animation, singing Russians and John
2. High Fidelity- music snobbery, Jack Black and John
1. Say Anything…- Pete Gabriel, a boombox and John

So now that you know my weakness, you will understand that despite the future snobbery that I will exhibit, I am human too. So read on. Until we meet again….


If you're visiting this blog for the first time, there may be many things pressing into your mind:
  • Why am I at this stupid website?
  • Why am I wasting my life on the internets?
  • What is this stupid website about anyway?
  • What do I want to eat for dinner?
I realize these are pressing matters. Allow me to help you settle a few of them. This is a blog where Glinkster and I will post little blurbs about movies we've watched recently. These will either be recent movies in theaters, or just movies we've rented. We love movies, you see. Our little reviews will then save you the time and money of renting or screening a bad movie. It will also serve to help you make better film choices.

So sit back, relax and get ready to read some delicious reviews written by none other than yours truly and the Glinkmaster.